Party Supplies Renting
in Louisville, Kentucky (KY)

"Party Supplies Renting" in Louisville, Kentucky - Social Network Data

The average ZapScore for the 6 listings in the Party Supplies Renting category in Louisville, KY is 10. Within these listings, there are 3 social network presences represented.
Learn more about ZapScore.

Social Networks Used in the Party Supplies Renting Category in Louisville, KY:

Facebook Logo
Yelp Logo

Renting everything you need for parties, wedding, & special events for over 25 years.

Party & Event Planning Service
Party Supplies Renting
Tent Rentals
Wedding Receptions


Tents and party equipment

Party Supplies Renting

Providing MoonBounce Rentals, Inflatable Water Slide Rentals, and Moonwalk Bounce House Rentals in the Greater Louisville area and beyond!

Party Supplies Renting

Tons of Fun

6802 Shepherdsville Rd 40228

(502) 962-7102


Party rental equipment, bouncers, slides, obstacle courses, popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream, trackless train, tents, tables, chairs

Party Supplies Renting

Results 1 - 6 of 6