Big Lots

Welcome to the official Big Lots’ Facebook page. We maintain this Facebook page for our fans to actively engage with Big Lots and each other. We welcome your views, comments, questions, videos, and photos, as long as you comply with our standards, Big Lots’ Social Media Guidelines ( ) and Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities ( ).

While engaging on our Facebook page, we ask that you respect the following guidelines:

•Don’t do anything that breaks the law.
•Stay on topic. Keep posts relevant to the community and contribute to the conversation.
•Be respectful. Use of profane, derogatory, abusive, hateful, discriminatory, or offensive language, comments, or images will not be tolerated.
•Do not solicit. Third-party advertisements and posts that promote or solicit are not permitted.
•Keep it real. All posts should come from a real person with a real social media profile.

Please review Big Lots’ User Agreement ( ) before using our official website or linking our website to your social media page.

We reserve the right to review and delete any content at our discretion that is inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise inconsistent with these standards. If an individual’s disruptive behavior persists, we may permanently remove that person from the community. While we are excited to hear from everyone, it is important to note that content posted to our Facebook page does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Big Lots and we do not confirm the accuracy of any postings.

If you have any questions, please click "Message Now" on our Facebook page or contact us here:

"Big Lots" - Social Networks

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Do you own or manage this business? Click here to claim the Big Lots listing and add social networks, logos, descriptions and more.

Big Lots Contact Information: